It is cutting mat becoming the folio A4 size at the time of storing spread A3 size at the time of use of 250 g of A3 side 450* length 310* thickness 2mm (spread). Entering 5 millimeters of convenient space squares ruled lines. I use the material which copy print ink is hard to copy. ◆Folio size A4: 230* wide length 310* thickness 4mm olefin system resinHow to order in shopping cart
It is cutting mat becoming the folio A4 size at the time of storing spread A3 size at the time of use of 250 g of A3 side 450* length 310* thickness 2mm (spread). Entering 5 millimeters of convenient space squares ruled lines. I use the material which copy print ink is hard to copy. ◆Folio size A4: 230* wide length 310* thickness 4mm olefin system resinHow to order in shopping cart